“When addiction or mental health news breaks, producers
turn to Dr. Manejwala first.”
Dr. Manejwala speaks with CNN’s Michaela Pereira on the scope of the opioid epidemic and what can be done about it.
Dr. Manejwala on CNN: The death of Prince and what makes addiction so difficult to identify and treat?
Highlights of a few of Dr. Manejwala’s
national television appearances.
Dr. Manejwala and Deepak Chopra on
ABC World News Tonight
Dr. Manejwala explaining diprivan addiction to
CBS Early Show’s Harry Smith.
Dr. Manejwala speaking with HLN’s Yasmin Vossoughian on the staggering public health problem of opiate misuse in the
wake of Prince’s death.
Dr. Manejwala interviewed in the most watched 20/20 episode
of all time with Charlie Sheen.
Dr. Manejwala explains why access to overdose antidotes
is lifesaving and critical.
Dr. Manejwala on ABC news describing how deadly propofol
can be when abused.
Dr. Manejwala on WBTV six-part series Inside the Opioid Crisis with Sarah Blake Morgan
Dr. Manejwala on how restricting opioids can harm patients with chronic pain
WAND-TV Coverage of Dr. Manejwala's talk at ICAHN
When addiction or mental health news breaks, producers turn to Dr. Manejwala first. He has frequently been interviewed by many national and international television programs including Good Morning America, 20/20, CNN, ABC World News Tonight with Diane Sawyer, The CBS Early Show, The CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, ABC News Primetime, HLN, Al-Jazeera America, UK's SkyNews and the international RTL Network. Highlights of a few of his appearances can be seen on this page or on his demo reel.
Dr. Manejwala enjoys opportunities to make innovations in healthcare, addictions and brain and behavior science more accessible to mainstream audiences. He is often consulted when there is breaking news that relates to addiction or mental health. Celebrity overdoses, pending legislature related to substance use or other addictions, behavioral addictions (including obesity), new medication approvals or addiction related research are a few of the areas where his comments are sought. When journalists or segment producers want the insider perspective on drug counseling from a substance abuse counselor or psychiatrist's perspective, they often turn to Dr. Manejwala (click here to download a one-pager of story ideas).
He is also fortunate to have been recognized as one of the nation's leading experts on addiction and cravings by various international print media outlets including the LA Times, the Chicago Tribune, the UK Guardian, Darden Report, Harpers Bazaar, Behavioral Healthcare, AARP Bulletin, ESPN, UK's Sky News, and he has been quoted on page A1 in the New York Times. His publications include a business case that is used to educate MBA students at the University of Virginia. Several book authors have also cited him and he is the author of a best-selling book about cravings that explains what we crave, where cravings come from and how to control cravings which has been translated into several languages.
His radio experience includes an interview on medications for alcoholism on Minnesota Public Radio, and another MPR interview on prescription drug abuse. He appeared as a guest on many radio programs including the Dr. Susan Blank show and VoiceAmerica.